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Writing Pieces

21/02/25 - Grasslands
29/10/24 - Terrestrial Volume
30/08/24 - Eyes and Projection
8/08/24 - Arnold Schoenberg's String Quartets: The Weight of an Alp
17/06/24 - Triple Science: Amon Tobin's Abducted Rave
03/06/24 - The Alien Snail That Lives With You in Symbiosis; or, Rave Embeddings
20/05/24 - Fairy Tales and Their Antagonism By Modernity
06/05/24 - Uncertainty
22/04/24 - Homeomorphism
08/04/24 - The Absurdity of a Net
25/03/24 - A Positive Picture of What Time Might Actually Be
11/03/24 - Authenticity and the Privatisation of Emotion
26/02/24 - Time Is Not a Line
12/02/24 - The Historicity of Valley of the Shadows
29/01/24 - Tug of War: Digital Timestretching
15/01/24 - (Slip & Slide) Suicide: Vocal Anonymity in Dance Music
11/01/24 - Hyperoptics: Lessons From Cinematic Vision
26/07/23 - Eleven Aphorisms About Silence via Dreaming or Structure or Both
4/12/22 - Five UK Dance Tunes From the Year 2000

Archive of Older Pieces


11/1/22 - Birthday Set 2022 (DJ Mix)
10/1/22 - Waiting Room (Six Point Threend) (EP)
5/10/21 - Extruded Iris (Album)
1/9/21 - Area (Single)
18/10/20 - Ozoliņš's Broadcast (Album)
5/1/20 - Birthday Set 03 . 01 . 20 (DJ Mix)
